Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Modern Day Slavery...

We are still live in a world where racism is very alive,
We have just chosen to look the other way,
Where interracial couples are still looked at funny,
Where a black woman and a white man is assumed to be a slut-payer relationship,
Where the word nigga can be used by black folk but is offensive when used by white skin,
Where getting a Visa is still a matter of skin color,
Where getting service is better if you are white,
Modern Day Slavery,

We still live in a world where submissive and woman are synonymous,
Where a feminist is branded man-hating because she tries to break free from the status quo,
Where women are judged based on their ability to procreate
and stifled progression because of said children,
We still live in a world where you ask about a woman's morals
her sex game comes to mind...slut shaming,
But a man, ask about he's morals and integrity, strength, leadership comes to mind..

We still live in a world of stigma against queer folk,
Afraid to even think of the possibility that we are all human,
We all aspire to inspire
love-hate, despair-hope, struggle-build,
Want to be loved, queer or not, 

We live in a world where every morning at 6 in the am we drag our bodies to work
like zombies,
for a job we feel absolutely no passion for,
We are slaves to capitalism,
We hustle and grind to chase that paper,
It's never enough though,
We sell our souls to the devil for that paper chase,
I blame capitalism.

We live in a world where slavery has taken modern forms,
Look at human trafficking,
Look at women who will remain in relationships...battered in the name of financial security,
Look at the drugs we take to numb our souls,
Slaves to the toke, the sip, the injection, the inhale,

Worst of all though,
We live in a world where our minds are held captive,
Afraid to think,
Afraid to express,
Afraid to break those gender stereotypes that plague us,
Afraid to break religious myth,
Afraid to accept people for people,
Afraid to question that which was handed to us by ancestry,
Afraid to look outside the societal box,
Afraid to celebrate diversity,

Once we free our minds from mental slavery only then can we emancipate ourselves from modern day slavery....

Thursday, 11 September 2014

The feminist in me...

The feminist in me,
Cannot wrap her head
Women dancers who have to dance half naked,
yet the man in the same song same dance routine
is fully clothed,
The feminist in me cannot understand
how Ray Rice can beat the daylights out of his fiance
yet she will still stay and defend his actions and the world will look away,
The feminist in me is greatly disturbed by the high level of rape
and yet people still view it as her fault,
The feminist in me still wonders why a woman is measured by her ability to procreate,
Heck!look at Jennifer Aniston tabloids have it at her being preggers 8 times this year,
The feminist in me wonders why a woman in power must be prosecuted ten times more
than a man in the same position of power,
See Anne Waiguru, Gladys Shollei,
The feminist in me wonders why women are still their own worst enemies,
constantly undermining instead of supporting each other,
The feminist in me cringes at the continuous societal view of what the beauty standard is
forcing women to starve, binge-purge, binge, self harm, bleach skin, sow hair into their heads,
botox, nip-tuck...
The feminist in me is perplexed at the gradual neglect of the boy child,
raising bitchypendent women in the name of empowerment,
The feminist in me wonders when sex will begin being viewed as just that sex
and not a transaction,
The feminist in me wonders when heteronormative men will stop telling me that I am gay
because I haven't found the right dick,
The feminist in me is bothered at the ridicule women who have children by different men get "it's not a good example" they say but a man can father as many kids as he wants, society applauds,
The feminist in me is baffled that a woman drinking alone in a bar is a "whore" but a man..."Oh!Well he is just enjoying his drink"
The feminist in me wonders why god is gendered...why god is a "he"...last I checked in Exodus god told Moses at the burning bush "I am who I am"...eeeeeh!!!somebody explain to me how this translated into god being a "he"...
The feminist in me cannot wait for the day that we begin celebrating diversity and not shunning it...

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Cynical mind...

It could be the light at the end of the tunnel,
Or it could be a fucking train coming to hit you.....

Monday, 8 September 2014

Worth in It....

Sometimes I look for the worth in it,
Sometimes giving up is the easier way out,
Less heartache,
Less drama,
Less to worry about,
Sometimes that worth in it becomes blurry,
It's easier to forget you,
Easier to stop reminiscing about the good times,
Sometimes the worth in it becomes confusing,
It's easier to have a clear head,
A clear head and a broken heart,
Sometimes the worth in it becomes anger,
It's easier to have self joy but hate takes over,
Sometimes the worth in it makes me a passive aggressive bitch,
because it's easier to act like it never happened,
Sometimes the worth in it is actually not worth it,
It's not worth the easier way out,
It's not worth the heartache...the drama,
the quickly fading good times,
Is it worth it? Really?
Is it reeeeeeeally worth it...

Thirst Trap!!!!

That annoying moment when you are crushing on someone you shouldn't,
Every time your around them your mind wonders,
It goes to those hot and heavy moments,
Those very explicit images going through your mind,
You always wonder what they look like undressed,
What they taste like,
Lips and pink velvet,
Every time your around them your mind takes a trip,
To that kinky space,
Oh!the things you would let them do to you,
You imagine that happy ending,
That orgasm thought makes you quiver,
It's someone you can never have though,
So I will take a firm sit and,

You go to that horny place,
Get hot and heavy with them,
Just to realize that thirst was in fact
A TRAP!!!!!

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

She saw my beautiful through the broken...

Skepticism and love for me went hand in hand,
Cynicism about love was the cherry on top,
To me it was this unicorn,
A fantasy fiction animal that is claimed to exist,
Few and far between have seen it,
But even those few in my opinion made that shit up,
That was love to me,
A made up phenomenon,
That few and far between have experienced,
Until yesterday,
Something happened,
It changed my whole perspective on what love is,
I always waited for this larger than life sign,
A big love heart appearing in the sky,
A feeling so strong it knocked me over,
Give me a sign that love does exist,
Tears cascaded down my eyes yesternight,
I clutched on to my pillow,
Sobbing and sobbing and sobbing,
Tears of heartache, pain, happiness, sadness, despair,
 My eyes were leaking,
This has never happened before,
It's not a break up,
But why is my heart so broken,
How can a heart break if it didn't feel love,
How can I feel so much pain if there was no love to begin with,
How can sadness and despair engulf me yet I claimed not to have the ability to feel love,
How can a person make you feel so intense yet you didn't love them,
Why would I feel the need to stay and fight if that's not love,
A heart so warm and tender it melted my ice cold one,
A love so unconditional she gave me,
She saw my beautiful through the broken,
She loved me until I started to love myself and eventually her,
How can knowing someone for such a short time have such a life time impact,
Give me a sign,
It was not dramatic,
It was not subtle either,
But I now know what love feels like,
Love is a beautiful thing,
It is so delicate, so vulnerable
it makes me quiver,
It creeped right into my icy heart...
I love you my baby,
Always and forever...

Monday, 1 September 2014


I tend to get lost in other people's worlds,
I like to get submerged in other people's chaos,
I cannot really say it is a love of helping,
It is more of a lack of control,
I struggle to find control in how much is too much,
How much chaos can I take before I begin to start drowning,
Or is it the drowning I like?
I don't know,
Only recently did I learn what it means to detach,
To be immersed in the chaos but to live your life to the fullest,
That is a weird concept,
My mind struggles to wrap around,
At what point does being selfish with yourself become an option to take,
At what point does the drowning stop becoming fun,
At what point does too much become too much,
Who do I get permission from to detach?
Who tells me to slow down?
Who takes away the chaos if I separate myself from it?
Or am I addicted to the chaos?
Do I get a rush of excitement when cookies crumble,
Then curl into foetal position and ball my eyes out because the drowning has began,
Am I escaping from my life when I immerse myself in chaos,
Or trying to get a twisted kind of validity,
Or resilience being a strong suit can't help but want to stick around,
Oh!chaos you will be the death of me,
I love you but detest you equally as much....

Quarter life Crisis...

Being in your twenties...

It is when you stop going along with the crowd
and start
realizing that there are many things about
yourself that
you didn't know and may not like. You start feeling insecure and wonder
where you will be in a year or two,
but then get scared because you barely know where you are now.

You start realizing that people are selfish and that,
maybe, those friends that you thought you were
so close
to aren't exactly the greatest people you have ever met,
and the people you have lost touch with are some
of the
most important ones. What you don't recognize is that
they are realizing that too, and aren't really cold, catty,
mean or insincere, but that they are as confused as you.

You look at your job... and it is not even close to
you thought you would be doing, or maybe you are
looking for a job and realizing that you are going
to have
to start at the bottom and that scares you. Your opinions
have gotten stronger. You see what others are doing and
find yourself judging more than usual because
suddenly you realize that you have certain boundaries in your life
and are constantly adding things to your list of what is
acceptable and what isn't. One minute you are insecure, the next, secure.

You laugh and cry with the greatest force of your life. You
feel alone and scared and confused. Suddenly, change is
the enemy and you try and cling on to the past with dear life,
but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away, and nothing to do
but stay where you are or move forward.

You get your heart broken and wonder how someone you
loved could do such damage to you. Or lie in bed and
wonder why you cannot meet anyone decent enough that
you want to get to know better. Or maybe you love
but love someone else as well and cannot figure out why you're doing this
because you know you aren't a bad person.
You want to settle down for good because
all of a sudden that becomes top priority.
Getting wasted and acting like an idiot starts to look pathetic.
You begin to think that a partner for life is better than a hundred in the shack and for once
you would not mind standing tall for that special someone.

You go through the same emotions and
questions over
and over, and talk to your friends about the same topics
because you cannot seem to make a decision.
You worry
about loans, money, the future and making a life
yourself... and while winning the race would be great,
right now you are just a contender!

What you may not realize is that everyone
reading this
relates to it. We are in the best of times and our
worst of times, trying hard as we can to figure this
whole thing

We call it the "Quarter-life Crisis."

Thought I would share this couteousy of fellow blogger @thisisess