Sunday, 8 September 2013

of feminism and other things...

For the longest time I always thought that being a feminist is being all about women empowerment. I was extremely wrong. After interacting with a couple of feminists of late I do not think that feminist is a word I would use to describe myself, a radical feminist for that matter.

Am from the school of thought which is informed by current affairs. By this I mean, am definitely all for women empowerment and gender equality, I mean I love women it's only natural. However, I believe that the male child is slowly becoming the victim. Gone are the days when men are still thought of as the alpha. Me thinks, after years of empowerment women have slowly morphed into bitchipendents, colloquial term to mean a woman who can hold her own, does not need a man to pay the bills and buy her weave but flaunts her money and is basically a bitch because of her bank account. Men are becoming more and more emasculated because nobody is paying attention to them. Rules of tradition dictate that the man was the head, sole provider, the king. Today, not so much, women have become so empowered and rights sensitive but we forgot about the boy child who is slowly becoming the extinct in terms of relevance.

I am from the school of thought where I think that women are their own worst enemies. There was a time during my morning commute a famous controversial radio show was on, topic of the day abortion. What shocked me the most is that out of around 15 calls 13 were women and out of the 13 only one called in to actually defend women and give other reasons why a woman would end up procuring an abortion. 12 of them called in to bash women and to give examples of fellow women who have had multiple abortions and to throw shade at women.

I am from the school of thought where I strongly believe that women in power are crucified more than men in power. Just look at what happened to Kethi Kilonzo, Raphael Tuju's, Shollei Boss and as recent as two days ago Rachel Shebesh was slapped by a governor. By this I mean that so many times when a woman in power does something scandalous or controversial the amount of scrutiny that she will get cannot be compared to a man in the same position having done the same thing. Rules of patriachy I guess.

I am still trying to figure out on a scale of one to feminist how feminist I am but for now I know that I have a very liberal approach to feminism, I am not a male basher and I am a strong supporter of gender equality and human rights.

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