Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Sexual Healing...

Something veeeery strange has been happening to me over the past two months.
It is worrying because now I cannot get it out of my head.
I need to get laid people....Like on the real though, I need some good old fashioned sex.

Let me back track this a little bit. For most of this year I have been in a relationship so that goes to demonstrate that I have been getting consistent sex...right?..right!!!!
But this past months the dry spell I am in, has a fucking dry spell. It's so bad that any moving body with lady parts automatically triggers a sexual thought. By sexual thought I mean down right raunchy, rough, kinky, push panties to the side, swing from the fucking roof type of sex.

Fast forward to today and I have in the recent past been in two situations where I could have gotten the sex that I have described above but my dear people all I have been left with is cuddling. I even had to ask my friend if I give off teddy bear vybs. Like how do you just want to cuddle.... I am dry spelling people...cuddling is in fact the last thing on my mind.

A few days ago I am having a conversation with a friend of mine who was describing how painful her ankle tattoo process was. Yes!! Yes! we humans of body ink will definitely sympathize with her. But here is were things got interesting. She proceeded to tell me how she put her hands in her pants and started to touch herself. "That pain-pleasure feel," she said. The look on her face as she was describing her orgasm...damn!!!now I want to get my eighth piece of body art while touching myself.

Today, I am reading a blog where the writer describes a time she fainted by her tenth orgasm....like jesus fucking christ dude...I also want to faint after ten orgasms...lol!!! And then as I type this blog I am listening to Dan Savage and those who know him, he speaks sex only...sigh!!!

Moral of the blog...this dyke right here needs to get laid.

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