Monday, 3 November 2014

of activism and thankyou....

A man with "vision", a "voice" and "passion"!  I don't know who he is, but I love the "message" he is putting out there, for all of us to see!  ARE WE PAYING ATTENTION?  I hope so!           Keep Your Coins. I Want Change by Banksy. Double meanings out the wazoo

Activism is not a word synonymous with my personality. I am a believer in that very fucked up notion of "if it aint broke...don't fix it."

This entry however, is my tribute to all the LGBTQI activists in my country.
I just wanted to say asante for fighting for my ungrateful ass,
As I am busy cowering in the shadows,
Afraid to speak up,
Afraid to be seen, to be said, to be heard,
Thank you for putting your faces on the frontline,
Open to persecution, ridicule and bigotry,
Asante for the current space and how far queer rights have come along,
Thank you for heckling and shouting at the top of your voices,
Thank you for not accepting the mediocre,
Thank you for not being a coward like me,
Thank you because I know that one day it will get better,
And the reason for that one day is solely because of you,
Your bravery,
And most importantly being powerful in the face of NO....

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