Tuesday, 9 July 2013

of blessings and lack of appreciation...

I have just gotten home and oh!crap there are no lights. I of course curse and get pist off,well, because there are no lights. So I go up to my roof top, light up a doobie as I listen to some Kendrick. So I hear screaming and a thought crosses my mind, "I wish I was them, having a blast on this cold-candlelit night". But the screaming only intensifies and when I look up I see really dark smoke. Oh!!my God...Kibera(the slum I live next to) is burning, a few houses that is. I gaze in utter shock as the screaming only gets louder and louder, people are chanting, blowing whistles trying to alert neighbours and help. I stand on my roof top feeling extremely petty for being angry at having no lights.

It made me think, and especially think of how lucky I am because a swamp is the only divide between me and Kibera. Yet that divide means that I have security, running water, food to eat and electricity. That divide means that I can afford to enjoy the little pleasures life has to offer. The divide means that in all my life I will never need to woke twice as hard as they have to put a meal on the table. I am blessed, yet all I ever do most of the time is complain how unfair life is. It may be unfair but at least I have a bed to sleep. I am not awake trying to put out a fire, wondering where I will put my kids to sleep. Having everything I own burnt to ashes. I am blessed and today I am actually disgusted with myself at how ungrateful I can be when other people are literally struggling to stay alive. Shame on me, and after today I vow to bite my tongue before I complain. Lights are back, and I feel even more ungrateful.

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